Kids learn best by doing. And playing. And putzing. And, well, tinkering.
Nobody knows this better than my dear friend, Curt Gabrielson. He's not only a really great guy, he's super smart, too, with a degree from MIT to prove it.
Curt has taught science to kids all over the world, in the more-poor-than-you-can-imagine places, like East Timor, and here in the states in the San Francisco Bay Area. He knows that if you just give kids a chance "to do", they'll learn. They just need the chance.
Now, he's compiled more of his wonderful techniques into his third book, Tinkering: Kids Learn by Making Stuff. This book is chock full of great projects to get your kids away from a video screen and making great projects that teach concepts like sound, circuits, magnetism, and motors. Each project has easy-to-follow instructions, and is made from easily accessible materials, like recyclables and scrap wood. Many projects can be made by older children with no adult supervision, but younger kiddos can get in on the act with a little help from a grown-up. And think what a memory that would be - making a hovercraft together!
There are also several wonderful chapters for the kids-at-heart, too. Safety concerns, setting up your workspace, and how to answer the questions that may arise are all covered here.
You really need this book if you have kids. Get them away from the electronics and building their own electric circuits. Give them a chance to learn, and let them shine!
In case you'd like to get all three books, here are the links to Curt's other two, just as awesome, books:
And for the record, I received a copy of the book in exchange for a review. I'm grateful for the opportunity.
Grab your copy today so you can have it wrapped and under the tree in time for Christmas!

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